What do Men Want?

Heading back to the start of the 21st century, 2001 to be exact, saw the release of a Mel Gibson film, What Women Want. Now jump forward 18 years and we get a remake, of sorts.

What Men Want is just the same film but with a woman in the main role instead of a man!

We’ve been sent over a great clip when our heroine discovers her new power and doesn’t cope well with it… Just remember someone can hear you scream even if it’s just on the inside.

Ali Davis is a successful sports agent who’s constantly boxed out by her male colleagues. When Ali is passed up for a well-deserved promotion, she questions what else she needs to do to succeed in a man’s world… until she gains the ability to hear men’s thoughts! With her newfound power, Ali looks to outsmart her colleagues as she races to sign the next basketball superstar, but the lengths she has to go to will put her relationship with her best friends and a potential new love interest to the test.