Based on the beloved book by Dr. Seuss, the upcoming animated series follows opposites “Guy” and “Sam” as they venture out on a road trip to save an endangered animal from far off zoo. Along the way they learn to try new things like hope, friendship, and a certain delectable dish.
Coming to Netflix Autumn 2019.
SAM I AM (Adam Devine)
A wildlife rescuer who specializes in saving rare animals and savouring every bite of Green Eggs & Ham.
GUY AM I (Michael Douglas)
An amateur inventor turned professional paint-watcher looking for a warm bowl of oat mush, peace and quiet.
EB (Ilana Glazer)
A curious, fun seeking girl who just wants to keep a dangerous wild animal as a pet.
MICHELLEE (Diane Keaton)
EB’s overprotective mother who’d rather stay home and count beans than ever risk any fun.
The story of Green Eggs and Ham is like a postmodern Plains, Trains and Automobiles through the whimsical world of Dr. Seuss. Sam rescues the rare Chickeraffe from the Glurfsburg Zoo, hides it in a briefcase, and attempts to make his way to Meepville where he can charter a cold air balloon to take the Chickeraffe to his island home.
Guy just flopped his last big chance at being a world-famous inventor for the industrial Snerz Co. He packs up his invention in a briefcase and resigns to give up on his dreams and become a paint watcher.
A chance meeting at a diner with Sam, and a switch up with the briefcases results in these two unlikely souls getting mixed up on an adventure that takes them on a journey of self-discovery.
Our two mismatched heroes cross paths with overprotective Michellee, whose daughter, EB, desperately wants a pet, and falls madly in love with the Chickeraffe… despite her mother’s fears that it will eat off her face (it won’t). Michellee’s walled up heart also connects with the heart-hardened Guy. And a laborious love story begins.
Our fakakta foursome are also unknowingly pursued by a bounty hunter goat, two bad guys, and a villain who’s out to get the Chickeraffee as his ultimate trophy.