Shane Meadows’ Dead Man’s Shoes returns to UK cinemas this September

Unavailable in the UK for years, Shane Meadows’ modern-day classic Dead Man’s Shoes returns to cinemas on 15 September, including 35mm screenings.

Richard has always protected his little brother Anthony. Richard is strong and fair, while the loving and gentle Anthony is simple minded. When Richard leaves the rural village where they have grown up, to join the army, Anthony is taken in by Sonny, a controlling and vicious local drug dealer, and his gang of lads. Anthony becomes the gang’s pet and plaything, as they initiate him into their sordid worldly ways. Seven years later Richard returns for revenge.

As well as screenings nationwide, some from 35mm prints, Dead Man’s Shoes will also play as part of the BFI Southbank’s ‘Acting Hard’ season on 12 September where Shane Meadows will be present for a Q&A.