Fantastic Fungi

UK 15 Certificate
In cinemas
November 6, 2020
Buy it from
November 9, 2020
1 Hour 19 Minutes
From Area 23a Films
drug references

Fantastic Fungi takes us on an immersive journey into the magical earth beneath our feet: an underground network with the potential to heal and save our planet. Through the eyes of renowned scientists and mycologists like Paul Stamets, best-selling authors Michael Pollan, Eugenia Bone, Andrew Weil and others, we become aware of the beauty, intelligence and solutions the fungi kingdom offers us in response to some of our most pressing medical, therapeutic, and environmental challenges.

​Fantastic Fungi introduces the mainstream audience to the incredible world of mushrooms that exists just below the surface. This hopeful film highlights the otherworldly healing properties, intelligence and sophisticated communication network of the fungi kingdom, and features commentary from leading experts and scholars.

Last updated
October 29, 2020

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