Web Classic

Web Classic
This post was inspired, again, by Randall Munroe's great, geeky, cartoon XKCD. If you're old enough to remember the days before twitter and facebook the you would remember things mentioned in this post. This was the 90s web. Going back…

In Flames

In Flames
After the death of the family patriarch, a mother and daughter’s precarious existence is ripped apart by figures from their past. They must find strength in each other if they…

Britney vs Spears

Britney vs Spears
The world knows Britney Spears: performer, artist, icon. But in the last few years, her name has been publicly tied to another, more mysterious term: conservatorship. Britney vs Spears tells…

Jules Verne’s Rocket to the Moon

Jules Verne’s Rocket to the Moon
In Victorian England, the race to build, invent and discover is at its peak but results in many embarrassing and dangerous failures. In the US, meanwhile, when Phineas T. Barnum's…


Five years in the making FLINT is the story of one of the worst man-made disasters in American history. Flint was one of the most prosperous cities in the world…