Romantic Comedy

Romantic Comedy
ROMANTIC COMEDY is a documentary that goes beneath the surface of our favourite films, seeking to better understand the way we view love, relationships and romance. From 'It Happened One…

Trauma Center

Trauma Center
Screen legend Bruce Willis plays Lt. Wakes, a vengeful police detective determined to solve the murders of his partner and an informant. Wakes joins forces with Madison, a witness injured…


TOLKIEN explores the formative years of the orphaned author as he finds friendship, love and artistic inspiration among a group of fellow outcasts at school. This takes him into the…

Rabid (2019)

Rabid (2019)
After aspiring fashion designer Rose suffers a disfiguring traffic accident she undergoes a radical and untested stem-cell treatment. The experimental transformation is a miraculous success, transforming her into a ravishing…

The Big Meeting

The Big Meeting
Every second Saturday in July the city of Durham is taken over by miners, trade-unions and the public for a major event known locally as THE BIG MEETING. The Durham…


In Depression-era Albany, N.Y., Francis Phelan has become an alcoholic vagabond after guilt over accidentally killing his infant son led him to desert his family. Over the course of several…