Boy Kills World

UK 18 Certificate
In cinemas
April 26, 2024
Buy it from
August 5, 2024
1 Hour 50 Minutes
From Signature Entertainment
strong gory violence

Get ready for the most gleefully supercharged action film you’ll see all year.

Boy, a deaf-mute with a vivid imagination, driven by his inner voice, one which he co-opted from his favourite childhood video game. He avows revenge after his family is murdered by Hilda Van Der Koy, the deranged matriarch of a corrupt post-apocalyptic dynasty that left the boy orphaned, deafened, and voiceless. Boy trains with a mysterious shaman to become an instrument of death and is set loose on the eve of the annual culling of dissidents. Bedlam ensues as Boy commits bloody martial arts mayhem, inciting a wrath of carnage and bloodletting. As he tries to get his bearings in this delirious realm, Boy soon falls in with a desperate resistance group, all the while bickering with the apparent ghost of his rebellious little sister.

Last updated
July 6, 2024

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