Forrest Gump

Forrest Gump
The story of an ordinary man and his extraordinary life. Through three turbulent decades, Forrest Gump rides a tide of events that whisks him from physical disability to football stardom,…

Critically-acclaimed Holocaust documentary Getting Away with Murder(s) to be made available to view for free to mark Holocaust Memorial Day

Critically-acclaimed Holocaust documentary Getting Away with Murder(s) to be made available to view for free to mark Holocaust Memorial Day
The filmmakers behind the highly-acclaimed Holocaust documentary Getting Away with Murder(s) have decided to give people the opportunity to view the film for free to mark Holocaust Memorial Day, on January 27th. After a successful theatrical release, the filmmakers…

From Beijing With Love

From Beijing With Love
Martini swilling butcher (and disgraced former spy) Ling Ling Chat is dispatched to recover a stolen dinosaur skull from a golden-gun wielding supervillain. Equipped with the latest gadgets, our hero…