Ozi: Voice Of The Forest – Saving Trees In Uk Cinemas Now!

Signature Entertainment and Producers GCIFILM and Appian Way are delighted to announce that thousands of cinema goers have accessed the ground-breaking and innovative QR Code featured on the end credits of OZI: VOICE OF THE FOREST that is raising funds and awareness on deforestation with One Tribe and the film’s charity partner International Animal Rescue (IAR).

Conscious cinema goers and families from all over the United Kingdom including attendees from; London, Edinburgh, Cardiff, Belfast, Manchester, Birmingham, Newcastle, Bristol and Exeter have been compelled by the powerful story told in OZI: VOICE OF THE FOREST that addresses the pertinent issues of climate change and deforestation combated by the ground-breaking end credit QR Code helping audiences to take climate action in one swift scan.

As the credits roll at the end of the film, viewers are encouraged to continue their conservation journey by scanning the QR code displayed on the screen powered by the film’s official climate action partner One Tribe to help protect rainforests worldwide. After scanning and engaging with the interactive experience, a donation is made to International Animal Rescue by One Tribe on the viewer’s behalf, making a valuable contribution to help protect endangered species and preserve the rainforests that are crucial to their survival.

We are always grateful for any support received, and encouraging the audience to enable donation using a QR code at the end of each screening of the film is a brilliant idea. This will help to raise awareness and vital funds for International Animal Rescue and support our efforts to save animals and protect their natural habitats. Together, we can make a difference.” said Gavin Bruce, CEO of International Animal Rescue.

Founder of One Tribe Ric Porteus added “I’m delighted to see that OZI: VOICE OF THE FOREST has launched in UK cinemas this past week and that the audience is engaging in real-time climate action with our QR code and climate action software. One Tribe is proud to be the official climate partner for this extraordinary film, and we encourage as many people and businesses as possible to join our mission to protect global biodiversity.

Alongside the QR code, producers GCIFILM and Appian Way have embraced the Climate Change stripes founded by Reading University in 2018. These use a global dataset that goes back to 1850 showing how our climate is changing. Built into the end credits, OZI: VOICE OF THE FOREST is the first feature film to use them.

Producer Adam Stanhope said “OZI: VOICE OF THE FOREST focuses on Deforestation, trees are the lungs of our planet, they are the best way of removing carbon from the atmosphere. Whilst humans are producing more CO2 by burning fossil fuels, human also lose the ability to remove it via deforestation. The second profound effect of deforestation is to biodiversity, the orangutan population has been reduced by 60% and they are now classified as an endangered species. They share 96% of genes with human beings. Orangutans are not alone, the Sumatran Tiger & Rhino (Honkus) are also critically endangered. At the current levels of deforestation an area the size of Portugal (10m hectares) is lost every year, whilst some is replanted as crops this still profoundly damages biodiversity as illustrated in the film. OZI: VOICE OF THE FOREST is aimed at families and children because they will inherit the existential crisis we as adults we have created. The filmmakers want to start a dialogue, the pick up and interest in the end credit QR Code exemplifies that cinema-goers want to continue and amplify that conversation.

OZI: VOICE OF THE FOREST is now showing in cinemas across the UK!

You can also read more about the International Animal Rescue orangutan project here:

Learn more about our climate action partner One Tribe and how their platform helps to protect and regenerate global biodiversity, visit onetribe.com