The Goldfinger

The Goldfinger
Inspired by true events and set during the 1980’s, The Goldfinger follows the rise and fall of a multi-billion-dollar company and its chairman Cheng Yi-yan, who undergoes a major investigation…

The Hitman

The Hitman
Tai Feng, a young assassin with a “sense of justice” who crosses paths with the “King of Killers” — a legendary vigilante with a huge bounty on his head.


Set against a Hong Kong that never sleeps, a stolen police gun triggers a suspenseful chain of events. Tracking down his missing gun before dawn, Sergeant Lo first has his…

Iceman: The Time Traveler

Iceman: The Time Traveler
Frozen in time for 400 years, Ming Dynasty General He Ying wakes in modern China only to learn the terrible fate of his home village. Racing back to the past…