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Nine killer facts on Pet Sematary’s feline stars…

  1. There were six cats in total used to play the pivotal role of Church, the cat who starts Pet Sematary’s descent into Hell.
  2. Really, though, it was two of the cats that did the bulk of the work,” says co-director Dennis Widmyer. “And obviously you feel like you’re just seeing one cat on screen. That’s how good those cats are.
  3. Those two particularly talented cats’ names are Tonic and Leo.
  4. Widmyer’s co-director, Kevin Kolsch, says that having the cats on set was also a form of therapy for the pair. “We’re both cat guys and have a lot of cats. And we were both shooting away from home, so it was good to have them there.
  5. Church the cat is based on Stephen King’s daughter Naomi’s pet cat, Smucky, who was run over outside their home and in part inspired him to write Pet Sematary.
  6. Kevin Kolsch maintains that even though these were movie-star cats, there were no diva-like displays on set. “They were way better behaved than my cats,” he notes.
  7. That’s not to say everyone was a fan. Amy Seimetz, who plays Rachel Creed, is allergic to cats so had to keep taking anti-allergy pills, just to survive shooting with them.
  8. Seimetz thinks that maybe her allergy to cats is why the first Stephen King book she ever read was Cujo, “just because it’s about a dog”.
  9. I’m fascinated by cats,” Seimetz says. “Just because they’re such assholes, whether they come back from the dead or not. I attract them because I can’t touch them. So, I look indifferent, so of course they want to come and sit on me. I feel like they know my eyes would fall out if I touched them, so they don’t leave me alone; that it’s their sadistic side that attracts them to me. I’m pretty sure it’s the asshole in them.